As the world is constantly changing, so is the environment. However, in recent years, it has taken a turn for the worse with the planet’s average surface temperature haven risen two degrees Fahrenheit and air pollution levels rising due to the burning of fossil fuels, among many other issues. Humans have the power to make changes about these issues, and students at Rockhurst have taken their stand. These students belong to the organization called RU Green.
Previously known as LEAP, RU Green is a student organization dedicated to raising awareness of environmental issues and impacts, especially those in the local area. Not only does RU Green educate students about the environment, they actively encourage and provide opportunities for students to make changes that are needed in the world.
“We’re trying to spread awareness of environmental impacts, especially those close to our community and things that students need to get involved in,” said senior Jordan Cates, treasurer of RU Green.
RU Green has an active presence on campus, giving presentations over different environmental topics as a way to help cultivate a community that cares about the planet. One presentation given last year was about the urban heating effect, which is when cities replace wildlife and trees with structures that retain heat, such as roads, buildings and other infrastructure. Not only does this affect citizens by increasing energy bills for air conditioning, but the trapped heat can create air pollution, making the air quality worse to breath. The urban heating effect causes other various issues in the environment, and was especially important for Rockhurst students to learn about being so near the heart of Kansas City.

In attempt to combat the urban heating effect, RU Green is taking a proactive role by planting trees both on Rockhurst’s campus and in other parts of the city, specifically near the off-ramp from Highway 71 on Emmanuel Clever Boulevard. In the last three years, RU Green has been able to plant six trees in this area. Trees fight the urban heating effect by providing more shade to the city, deflecting radiation from the sun and releasing moisture into the atmosphere.
At Rockhurst, RU Green focuses on creating more diversity within the species of trees. “On campus, we only have oak trees. Bill Kriege (the RU Green adviser) told us that if disease hits the oak trees, they all will die and we won’t have any trees on campus,” Cates said. The organization has planted various types of trees on campus, which is essential to ensure students have shade and comfortable outdoor spaces, even if something were to happen to one species.
RU Green also provides service opportunities and field trips for students to put their mission in action, including trips to local sustainability shops. One trip RU Green went on was to Soap Refill Station, a shop in Kansas City dedicated to reducing plastic waste by giving customers the opportunity to reuse old soap bottles.
“We showed the students where it was at, what you do there and how it is helpful for the community. We showed them how, instead of buying plastic packaging, you can go and refill what you already have,” Cates said.
By far the most important time for RU Green is the week of April 22, Earth Day. They hold events all throughout the week, varying from tree plantings, presentations, bake sales, raffles to name a tree, signing petitions that impact the environment and many other activities. Because students are already thinking about the planet at this time, RU Green uses this week to expand their presence on campus and try to make an environmental impact at Rockhurst.
A key asset of this organization is the dedication of its members in promoting their message and keeping events running. However, RU Green is always open to new faces and encourages all Rockhurst students to do their part in caring for the environment. The shared interest in the organization’s message is only a starting point. RU Green fosters a sense of friendship and allows people to meet students that could have a lasting impact on their college experience.
“When people come to our club, it’s almost like finding a new friend,” Cates said.
If you are interested in joining RU Green, meetings are held every other Tuesday from 6-7 pm in the CMC, the Campus Ministry Center. Specific dates are announced on their Instagram, @rugreen. For more information, contact organization advisor Bill Kriege, [email protected]