Just a few days remain to take ‘Campus Climate Survey’


Image via Rockhurst University

Ryan Crawford, Editor-in-Chief

In an effort to better understand the current climate at Rockhurst University, administration is encouraging students, faculty and staff to complete an online survey. The survey was developed by a consulting firm, Rankin and Associates, that has developed similar surveys at other colleges and universities.

“A welcoming and inclusive campus climate is grounded in mutual respect, nurtured by dialogue, evidenced by a pattern of civil interaction, and is one of the foundations of our Ignatian heritage,” said the Rev. Thomas B. Curran, S.J., in an October email regarding the survey. “Creating and maintaining a community environment that respects individual needs, abilities, gifts and talents is critically important.”

The results of the survey will be presented in “group form” only, and anonymity is guaranteed. Rockhurst will present the findings at a later date. The survey closes Friday, November 10.

The survey comes during an important time for Rockhurst, as flyers with racist content were discovered on campus on October 23.

The survey can be taken following this link.